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doc icon DUGiDocs 18 juliol 2019 Mass transport and fouling of novel forward osmosis thin-film composite membranes Sauchelli Toran, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs juny 2015 Measuring and modelling of particle settling in sewers and primary wastewater treatment Llinàs de Cendra, Pau
out url icon Recercat Measuring and modelling of particle settling in sewers and primary wastewater treatment Llinàs de Cendra, Pau
out url icon Recercat Measuring and modelling of particle settling in sewers and primary wastewater treatment Llinàs de Cendra, Pau
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Measuring and modelling of particle settling in sewers and primary wastewater treatment
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Measuring and modelling of particle settling in sewers and primary wastewater treatment Llinàs de Cendra, Pau
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 octubre 2014 Metal ions removal from polluted waters by sorption onto exhausted coffee waste. Application to metal finishing industries wastewater treatment Liu, Chang
out url icon Recercat Metal ions removal from polluted waters by sorption onto exhausted coffee waste. Application to metal finishing industries wastewater treatment Liu, Chang
doc icon DUGiDocs abril 2012 Metformin-induced preferential killing of breast cancer initiating CD44+CD24-/low cells is sufficient to overcome primary resistance to trastuzumab in HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts Cufí González, Sílvia ; Corominas Faja, Bruna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Dorca Ribugent, Joan ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat Metformin-induced preferential killing of breast cancer initiating CD44+CD24-/low cells is sufficient to overcome primary resistance to trastuzumab in HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts Cufí González, Sílvia ; Corominas Faja, Bruna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Dorca Ribugent, Joan ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat Metformin-induced preferential killing of breast cancer initiating CD44+CD24-/low cells is sufficient to overcome primary resistance to trastuzumab in HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts Cufí González, Sílvia ; Corominas Faja, Bruna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Dorca Ribugent, Joan ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Metformin-induced preferential killing of breast cancer initiating CD44+CD24-/low cells is sufficient to overcome primary resistance to trastuzumab in HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Metformin-induced preferential killing of breast cancer initiating CD44+CD24-/low cells is sufficient to overcome primary resistance to trastuzumab in HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts Cufí González, Sílvia ; Corominas Faja, Bruna ; Vázquez Martín, Alejandro ; Oliveras Ferrarós, Cristina ; Dorca Ribugent, Joan ; Bosch Barrera, Joaquim ; Martin Castillo, Begoña ; Menéndez Menéndez, Javier Abel
out url icon Recercat Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction Borea, Laura ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Naddeo, Vicenzo ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús ; Belgiorno, Vincenzo
out url icon Recercat Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction Borea, Laura ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Naddeo, Vicenzo ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús ; Belgiorno, Vincenzo
out url icon Recercat Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction Borea, Laura ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Naddeo, Vicenzo ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús ; Belgiorno, Vincenzo
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction Borea, Laura ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Naddeo, Vicenzo ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús ; Belgiorno, Vincenzo
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 octubre 2017 Microbial fuel cell technology as a downstream process of a membrane bioreactor for sludge reduction Borea, Laura ; Puig Broch, Sebastià ; Monclús Sales, Hèctor ; Naddeo, Vicenzo ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús ; Belgiorno, Vincenzo
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2014 Millora de les aportacions d’aigües residuals d’origen industrial a depuradora Cunill Cols, Marc
doc icon DUGiDocs 30 juliol 2014 Minimisation and abatement of volatile sulphur compounds in sewage sludge processing Vega Martínez, Esther
out url icon Recercat Minimisation and abatement of volatile sulphur compounds in sewage sludge processing Vega Martínez, Esther
out url icon Recercat Minimization of sludge production by a side-stream reactor under anoxic conditions in a pilot plant Coma Bech, Marta ; Rovira, S. ; Canals, J. ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús
doc icon DUGiDocs febrer 2013 Minimization of sludge production by a side-stream reactor under anoxic conditions in a pilot plant Coma Bech, Marta ; Rovira, Salvador ; Canals, J. ; Colprim Galceran, Jesús
out url icon Recercat Minimizing N2O emissions and carbon footprint on a full-scale activated sludge sequencing batch reactor Rodríguez-Caballero, Adrián ; Aymerich, I. ; Marques, Ricardo ; Poch, Manuel ; Pijuan i Vilalta, Maite
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